Jon Snow 'Game of Thrones' sequel series: 5 wild things that could happen

Game of Thrones' final season is one of the most controversial and perhaps loathed endings of any television series in history.

Despite that - what some would call - failure, Westeros is still shaping up to be a key part of HBO's future programming, with several Game of Thrones-related spinoff series now in development. Some of those shows are prequels taking place before the events of the original Game of Thrones series. However, the most recently revealed project will see Kit Harrington swinging Longclaw once again as Jon Snow. It will go into uncharted territory, representing the first foray into what happened after the widely panned final season and its polarising ending.

HBO hasn't announced a release date, plot summary, trailer - nothing. In fact, it was George RR Martin, the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, who recently penned a blog post to confirm a Jon Snow-led show is in the works. It's currently titled Snow. Martin said Kit Harrington, the actor who played Jon Snow, brought the idea to him. He wouldn't reveal the names of the show writers or showrunners ("because that had not been cleared yet"), but he said he's been working closely on the project. He also said nothing has been green-lit yet.

"All four of these successor shows are still in the script stage", explained Martin in the blog post. "Outlines and treatments have been written and approved, scripts have been written, notes have been given, second and third drafts have been written. So far, that’s all. This is the way television works. Please note: nothing has been green lit yet, and there is no guarantee when or if it will be… on any of these shows. The likelihood of all four series getting on the air… well, I’d love it, but that’s not the way it works, usually."

As avid fans of the books and show - who think HBO should take this opportunity to right some wrongs - here is what the studio could do with a Jon Snow.

Consider this a wishlist of sorts.


Jon Snow 'Game of Thrones' sequel series: What could happen

A quick refresher:

The last time we saw Kit Harrington’s Jon Snow, he was [spoiler] headed to Beyond the Wall after being banished for killing Danaerys Targaryen. Who banished him, you might ask? King Bran the Broken, of course, Jon's cousin (and former half-brother) who now sits on the melted-down Iron Throne. This new Jon Snow series is happening with HBO knowing full well that many viewers hate that Bran is king.

Will this sequel series be like Disney+'s new Obi-Wan Kenobi - with Jon Snow alone on a big adventure Beyond the Wall, or will something call him back to Westeros and even to King’s Landing?

1. More Ghost!

One of the many complaints about the final season that you'll hear people talk about is actually the easiest to fix in the new series: Give us more of Jon Snow’s good boy, Ghost. The gigantic direwolf has been a fan-favorite since he first appeared as that cute little albino pup. But the full-grown, 3-meter-tall wolf was seen less and less through the final seasons. Surely, he'll be at Jon's side in the new show? 

2. Kit? Check. More returning cast? We hope. 

It's amazing that Kit Harrington is returning. It actually has us excited about the new show. But will other cast members from the original series also come back? Remember, Jon Snow was seen by viewers heading Beyond the Wall with Tormund Giantsbane (played by Kristofer Hivju) in the closing moments of the final episode. If we had to guess, he'll most likely/hopefully will also appear in the new series. 

From there, it depends on the plot of the series. Is it about Jon living in the North? Or does he venture to some far-off locale in the East?

All this affects how much of the original cast might appear. For instance, if Jon is drawn back south of the Wall into Westeros, we could be in line to see many of our old favourites from the first show. 

3. There's got to be a time jump, right?

Jon Snow has been through constant war - with one thing or another - since he hit puberty.

Sure, banishment sounds bad, but really, this is an opportunity for him to settle down and relax a little. But little action doesn't make for great TV. Hopefully, he at least gets some R&R for a few years between the events of season eight and whenever this new series will be set. We like to imagine that he went somewhere to build a new community with the remaining wildings and maybe have some little wild kids of his own. 

4. Picture this: Jon goes after Drogon.

The last time we saw Daenerys' dragon, Drogon, he melted the Iron Throne and grabbed Dany’s body before flying off. It’s later mentioned that he was seen flying east. Game of Thrones showrunners DB Weiss and David Benioff said in season eight's DVD commentary that Drogon was flying toward Volantis. Fans have speculated this could lead to the red priestess Kinvara resurrecting Daenarys.

But, for our own mental health, let’s just hope that Daenarys stays dead. Maybe Drogon instead makes a nice home for himself by flying just a touch further east to the ruins of Valyria - a place that was only momentarily visited in the original series. Since Jon Snow and Drogon didn't leave on good terms (because Jon killed his mom Daenerys), it'd be pretty wild to see Jon go after him in the new show.

That leads us to...

5. OK, so hear us out: Bran is evil.

So, does HBO want to give us a nice six-hour adventure story with one of the most beloved characters from the original Game of Thrones show, or will it attempt to fix the errors and give viewers a sequel that might as well serve as a final season?

If it’s the latter, there’s one not-so-crazy approach it could take: It could reveal that the guy who actually won the Game of Thrones was the bad guy all along. It was speculated in forums and throughout fan circles through the airing of the final season that Bran would turn out to be the one controlling the Night King and the White Walkers. But that was never revealed to be the case in season eight.

Let's be clear, though. The strength of his powers are pretty undefined so far, which makes it easy for fans to speculate and ultimately wonder whether he was using his powers to control the Night King and White Walkers and perhaps even drive Daenarys to madness and destroy the city. After all, what was the result of all that chaos in the final season? Bran sitting on the Iron Throne. 

If Bran is indeed evil and has been the puppeteer causing all sorts of bad things to happen throughout Game of Thrones, then it's safe to assume more of the original cast will come back in the new show. We'd see King Bran (played by Isaac Hempstead Wright), Tyrion, Hand to the King (played by Peter Dinklage), Samuel Tarley, Bran's Grand Maester(played by John Bradley), at a bare minimum.

It'd be mind-blowing to see Bran decide that a family of Targaryens - like Jon Snow (and maybe he has a wife and kids) - living in exile is too big of a risk for him. Meanwhile, Jon Snow could learn the truth about Bran and head off on a mission to stop his evil cousin/former brother.

Again, this is all pure speculation. But what a wild show that would be, right?

from Pocket-lint

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