Help your loved ones grieve with My Afterwords

Losing someone you love is an awful thing to go through, and there's something particularly challenging about thinking about the end of our own lives.
We all know how prone we are to ignoring the fact that we won't be around forever, but the reality is that it'll one day be our loved ones trying to figure out how to go on without us. There are plenty of things we know we should do to be ready for it, from a Will to sorting out insurance, but something that's easy to overlook is just how much a personal message could help the people around you.
That's the idea behind My Afterwords, an app that helps you to prepare messages for those you care most about, to be delivered only in the case that you pass away. It's a brilliant idea that's already helping plenty of people, so we thought we'd explain how it works.
Download the app and register
The first step is quite a simple one - you just download the app on either iOS or Android depending on what smartphone you use. Once you've got it installed, start it up and you'll be prompted to register an account.
Once you've done so, you're ready to take the next step and name some informers.
Choose your informers
An informer, in this case, is someone that My Afterwords can rely on to serve notice if you pass away, triggering any messages you've written to be shared with their desired recipients.
You need at least two, and send them invites from the app, and who you select is entirely up to you. It could be that you want people who know you but aren't in your closest circle, or that you'd prefer to rely on family members. They'll have to download it and register, and once they're done you'll be able to take the next step, which is the most valuable of all.
Write your messages
Once you have your informers set up and you're happy, you can start to write your messages. On the free membership tier you can write one message, while the $3/Month lets you write three, and the $36/Yearly package allows for up to six.
Whichever you opt for, you can select a recipient, clarify their relationship to you, provide an email address for the message to eventually be sent to, and then write your note. What you say in it is, of course, something that will be completely personal to you, and stored in total security.
Each year, on the anniversary of your account's creation, you'll be notified and prompted to review your details and messages, in case you want to change anything in them based on another year's events and life. If you don't do anything for two months after this notification, the messages will be deleted for security purposes. It's a great way to ensure that you don't leave something behind that's no longer accurate or doesn't reflect your relationships anymore.
When you do pass away, and your informers have let My Afterwords know, your messages will be passed on as you decided, and the people you care about will get a unique connection to something you wrote specifically for them, a far more personal touch than the rest of the process they'll be going through. It's a brilliant way to let them know how much you care.
To find out even more about the service, and download whichever app is right for you, visit the My Afterwords website here.
from Pocket-lint
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