The best coffee machines 2020: Our pick of the best bean-to-cup, ground and capsule machines

How you like your coffee can be a deeply personal thing - you might like it strong, milky, or any other number of ways. A great way to take control of your cups of Joe is to buy yourself a coffee machine so that you can enjoy barista-quality drinks from the comfort of home. 

So, we've rounded up the very best coffee machines out there, some filter coffee makers, some capsule machines that use Nespresso and Dolce Gusto (recycle please) and some all-singing and dancing bean to cup machines that also do milk frothing so you can experience your latte at home. 

Although some of these machines are a little on the expensive side, using beans and your own milk means you'll soon save money compared to a pricier cup of coffee at Starbucks or Costa. 

Which is the best coffee machine for you?

from Pocket-lint


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