Amusing face masks that'll brighten up your trip to the shops

Wearing a face mask is quickly becoming the norm around the world. But just because you have to wear one, doesn't mean it can't be hilarious. 

We've collected some of the most amusing ones from around the web that are bound to make you chortle. 

Custom facemasks

Cameron thought it might be fun to get his own face custom printed on a facemask. Alas, the results weren't what he was expecting and the printed face was larger than planned.

The results are not only amusing but also inspired a few others to share their amusing custom face coverings as well. 

The same, but bigger

Debs purchased her facemask from Snapfish and we have to say, we think it's even better. Bigger, bolder, happier. What's not to love? 

from Pocket-lint

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