Twitter leaks Gryphon subscription service it's working on through job ad

Job listings aren't the easiest bits of content to write - you've got to strike a careful balance between selling your workplace to candidates and making it clear what expectations you have of them. 

Of course, that can be even more complicated if you're advertising for a job working on a project that's not yet been publicly announced. Sensitivities abound, as Twitter has just discovered.

It's accidentally leaked the existence of a project it's working on involving paid subscriptions, all thanks to a listing for a job working on the team, which is enigmatically codenamed Gryphon. 

Matthew Keys spotted the listing, which is searching for developers to help the team progress, and led to a fairly obviously panicked response from Twitter. Its first response to Keys publicising the listing was to edit it heavily to remove mentions of Gryphon and subscriptions. Since then, though, calmer heads have clearly realised the cat's out of the bag, and the listing has been reinstated as it orignally read. 

It's entirely unclear what exactly Twitter's plans are with Gryphon - it's not the first time that rumours have swirled about it trying to convert some of its millions of of free users into paying customers, but this is a more concrete confirmation of its interest in subscriptions. 

That said, we're not sure we'd expect any real clarification particularly soon. Given the nature of this leak we doubt that Twitter's marketing arm are ready to press go on talking about the project, if it's even one that is actually likely to make it to end-users eventually. 

from Pocket-lint

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