Google promises not to use Fitbit health data for ads if it succeeds in acquisition

Google's attempted acquisition of fitness tracker maven Fitbit is still very much in progress - it's a purchase on a scale that takes a heck of a time to complete, unsurprisingly. 

As with any such deal, the EU is taking an interest to make sure that everything's above board, and is reported to have some concerns on the anti-trust front, given the sensitive nature of the health data that Fitbit's devices naturally harvest. 

It would seem Google's very keen to dispel this worry, though - it's issued a statement via email to Reuters, pledging to work with the EU on an agreement that sees Fitbit's device data excluded from its advertising systems.

This would mean, in theory, that Fitbit's trackers were basically exempt from the worry that your heart rate and sleep pattern could feed into the ads you see on the web. 

Per Google's statement: “This deal is about devices, not data. We appreciate the opportunity to work with the European Commission on an approach that safeguards consumers’ expectations that Fitbit device data won’t be used for advertising”.

That's not exactly lingusitically watertight, but given Google's position it would be surprising if this didn't turn out to be a promise it keeps. Whether it wins over the EU remains to be seen, while views will also be sought from business rivals and indeed Fitbit users themselves. This one likely still has a way to go. 

from Pocket-lint

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