Star Wars: Squadrons gets a first gameplay trailer and loads of new details

Just days after the first, cinematic trailer was released for Star Wars: Squadrons, we've got another batch of footage to sink our teeth into as part of EA Play Live's stream of new trailers and game announcements.

The trailer shows off more about the types of starfighter that we'll be piloting on release, the game modes and campaign, and shows some of the cockpit-centric gameplay in action. 

The gameplay confirms some of what we knew from the initial reveal, which itself was brought forward after news of the game's existence was leaked ahead of time. 

Players will enjoy a campaign playing on both sides of the fence just after the end of Return of the Jedi, and the second Death Star's destruction, which looks like it'll serve as a great grounding in the flight mechanics at play before they jump online. 

That online arena will involve battles of five players against five, and it's still not entirely clear whether there will be other AI ships flying about for target practice as was the case in Battlefront II's starfighter modes. Players will choose from four ship classes - fighter, interceptor, bomber and support, with different ships on each side of the war. 

Regardless, the main course looks to be Fleet Battles, the primary mode in which players will compete destroy the enemy flagship through a series of smaller objectives. With teams scrapping to establish the next objective, it looks like a mode that could lead to longer, more drawn-out battles. 

Suffice to say that the gameplay snippets in the trailer look amazing, the detailed cockpits giving a real sense of place, while we also got a glimpse of some of the cosmetic changes that players will unlock. A full 50 equipment customisations were also briefly shown off, showing how players will unlock the ability to really customise their loadout over time. 

The game's got a release date attached now, too - October 10th, which means we're only a few months away from getting to try it out. It'll come to Xbox, PS4 and PC in the first instance, although we wouldn't bet against it getting a next-gen version soon after. Impressively, on both PS4 and PC it'll be playable in VR.

from Pocket-lint

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