Google is helping you socially distance with Augmented Reality

Keeping the designated six feet or two meters away from other people is tough. Google is trying to ease this misery somewhat with an experimental augmented reality tool.

Google Sodar, as it's known, is a web-based app that's designed to use Augmented Reality to help you stay a healthy distance away from other people by displaying a virtual boundary on the world around you. 

Like Snapchat's lens, this new tool simply puts an AR representation of the minimum distance into the frame, therefore encouraging you to give others enough room. 

Sodar's virtual boundary is designed to move as you do, meaning you it'll work perfectly to keep you safe while you're out walking. The downside is it works using Google Chrome on mobile and requires WebXR technology which is only available on newer Android phones running the right version of Android and Chrome. 

Sodar is, of course, in the early stages - hence why it's not open to everyone. It's part of Experiments with Google, a division that regularly dabbles in early-access apps. We'll hopefully see it gain more traction and a broader release in the near future. 

In the meantime, to try Sodar for yourself just pop over to the website on your phone and click to launch it from within Chrome. 

from Pocket-lint

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