Peaky Blinders game coming to Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC

There have been some interesting TV/game tie-ins before, including Narcos and Stranger Things in recent times, but who would have thought Peaky Blinders would be a candidate?

Curve Digital clearly thinks it works as it's announced Peaky Blinders: Mastermind, a puzzle-adventure game set in early 20th century Birmingham, England and featuring the exploits of the Shelbys.

Coming later in 2020, the game will be released for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. It features isometric graphics and an interesting gameplay mechanic that uses time manipulation as well as the entire cast of characters to complete objectives.

"There's a point in the show where Tommy Shelby explains he has no concern for the past, nor the future; all he cares about is a crucial moment he recalls the soldier’s minute," explained the game's director, James Marsden. "We designed our game around that idea, allowing the player to plan actions backward and forward in time, choreographing an ensemble cast of characters to synchronise their actions during these crucial moments."

A game trailer details the concept more clearly, with failed actions able to be rewound in time so the player can try again.

The creator and writer of Peaky Blinders, Steven Knight is thrilled that his show is being adapted to game form: "With the launch of the Peaky Blinders: Mastermind game we are inviting you to enter that world and take part in it, live in it and take your place beside the Shelby family as they fight for their very survival," he said.

"You're going to have to be as smart as Tommy, as tough as Arthur, as ruthless as Polly. Good luck and remember, you really are a Peaky Blinder now."

For those yet to see the BBC series, all five seasons are now available to watch on Netflix.

from Pocket-lint

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